Learning to Deepthroat & Suppress Your Gag Reflex
Anyone can give a blowjob; it’s probably the single most basic sexual skill just about every girl (and a considerable number of guys) learns, often long before she’s out of high school. Being able to deepthroat, however, is a special skill, one that is highly-prized, and one that elevates your slut status to a much higher level. But while most people believe that this is a something only a handful of people can perform, the truth of the matter is that it is possible for anyone to learn to deepthroat if they invest the time and effort into doing so. Anyone. This module is designed to teach you how to train your gag reflex and how to deepthroat a cock.
What Constitutes “Deepthroating”
The term “deepthroat” means different things to different people, and as you do research around the Internet or perhaps discuss the subject face to face with people you know, it is important to ensure everyone is talking about the same thing. Technically, deepthroating just refers to getting the head of the cock back past the oral cavity into the laryngopharyngeal space (the middle to lower throat; shown as the laryngopharynx on the diagram).
Some people, however, are under the mistaken belief that it’s not deepthroating unless and until you can take a man’s cock all the way down to his balls. From a pragmatic perspective, once you get the head of his cock into your throat, there’s no reason you can’t take it the rest of the way down with a little practice, even for long cocks, so this is largely a semantic issue. But that’s not a requirement for deepthroating, and for the purposes of this class we’re going to use the actual meaning of the term. It is perfectly acceptable to deepthroat a cock without taking it all the way down to the balls. For some, getting it that far in will be impossible, in fact.
It is also important to distinguish between deepthroating and being throatfucked, since the latter term is gaining more visibility these days. Deepthroating (or just “throating”) is something you do – you’re the active party, the one who’s doing all the work. Throatfucking is something that is done to you. Your partner is the active one, he’s penetrating your throat with his cock, fucking it basically like he would fuck your cunt or asshole. As a general rule, you must learn to deepthroat before you can be (safely) throatfucked.
Be careful when you first start trying these techniques. You must take this information and proceed slowly to keep from hurting your throat or tripping your gag reflex and vomiting! Just be careful and take your time. You’re not going to become the skilled deepthroatress in a few short minutes. This will take some practice, and if you’re patient and committed to the task, you’ll be rewarded greatly (as will your future penis-possessing partners).
I should also state that, if you have asthma, this may be a bit harder for you to learn, especially at the outset. You’ll want to have an emergency inhaler handy until you get used to having objects in your throat. As you start this process, it is possible you might start coughing or encounter other spasms in your airway that will cause you to have an attack. It’s highly unlikely, but it is possible, and you should be prepared to deal with it.
Practice Items
In order to train yourself correctly and to keep up your skills when you don’t have a guy with a suitable cock handy, you’re going to need something that is long and phallic-shaped to practice with. An Australian company, SuperSwallow, sells a graduated set of three silicone dildos, which are specifically made for learning how to deepthroat. A less expensive option is a “jelly” dildo. These kinds of dildos will more or less act like a real cock when you try to deepthroat them. They are very inexpensive and easy to find. It needs to be around 10″ or longer, and have a width of 1.2″ or 1.5″ (width, not circumference). I’d suggest starting off with the smaller one, since it will be easier for a beginner to get that one past the back teeth and into the throat. The biggest trick is going to be getting past your gag reflex, though, so the specific size isn’t going to matter too much in the long run. These can be bought off Amazon for less than $20 (and will come in a plain brown box or envelope!), your favorite sex toy store, or your local WalMart (totally joking about that last one). They also make a variety of rather realistic feeling dildos that are shaped and will bend like a real penis. These tend to be expensive, however, and many of them have a funky taste. If you have a flexible, 8″ or longer dildo already, then that should be sufficient as well.
You can use things other than a dildo, but they need to be flexible like a human cock and made of something that won’t break off in your throat. You can use unpeeled bananas or other long fruits/veggies IF they are covered with a condom (use a non-lubricated, perhaps flavored condom, with some lube). You do not want to use things like peeled bananas and hot dog wieners because pieces of these can easily break off. At a minimum that would cause you to choke and gag, but it’s also possible to get them stuck in your throat, perhaps causing you to choke to death. That would be quite the coroner’s report, no?
Of course, if you have a live penis with an owner willing to let you spend all kinds of time practicing, then so much the better! Most guys won’t have the patience or the erection stamina to stay hard for the length of time you’ll need to practice this, though. You need to be in a situation where you can take your time and move at your own pace. Consequently, it’s far better to have a practice toy rather than a guy handy. Don’t ditch him yet, though. You’ll need him for the live cock exercises later in this module!
You may also want to have some kind of lubricant available. You must make sure your dildo is lubricated before you try to push it into the back of your throat. You can use saliva – you just have to spend a lot of time with it in your mouth to get it all juiced up. Doing it this way also allows you to get your mouth used to having a phallus in it, and should get you to relax a bit. It is quite possible that you may be a bit anxious when you’re first starting out, however, and this tends to reduce your saliva levels (think of getting a dry mouth before doing a presentation in front of a room full of people). However, if you don’t wish to invest that kind of time in it, you can always use some of the same lubes you use for sex.
Most water-based lubes like AstroGlide are edible and are safe for ingestion if you want to use them (and they have little noticeable taste). You should stay away from flavored lubes if you’re not using a condom because they tend to make you salivate heavily and when they mix together, it gets kind of gunky rather than slippery. Albolene is also a good choice. That’s right, the makeup remover. Get it at Walgreens. That stuff is pretty popular with the adult industry since it has no smell or taste and becomes pretty much invisible when it is applied to… whatever. Do not use silicone- or oil-based lubes!
That’s really about it. There may be one other thing that might be beneficial to you, however. If you can’t do it any other way, as a last resort you may wish to try some throat numbing spray. Most professionals don’t recommend it, nor do I as a general rule. But if you’ve tried other things and they’re not doing it for you, give this a shot. You can spray it into the back of your throat and it will deaden it somewhat, thereby reducing your gag reflex. This will make practicing a little easier at the outset, but you should eventually get to the point where you don’t need this. You can’t stop sucking a guy’s cock every few minutes to reapply throat spray.
Throat Anatomy
In order to understand how deepthroating works, it’s important to understand some basics about the anatomy of your mouth, throat, and the upper gastrointestinal system. You can use the diagram above to follow along.
You’re familiar with the mouth, of course. The totality of the mouth all the way back to the upper throat is known collectively as the oral cavity. At the back of the oral cavity, on either side of your tongue, are your tonsils, if you still have them; it’s not uncommon for them to become infected and need to be removed. Though they rarely interfere with deepthroating activities, some people have enlarged tonsils and these can reduce the size of the dildo or cock they can take down their throats. The tonsils are often gag triggers for some people as well.
When you look at the back of the oral cavity, you can see the little dangly thing hanging back there. That would be the uvula. Scientists aren’t entirely sure what its purpose is, either, though many speculate it may aid in speech in some way. For many people, the uvula is a gag reflex trigger point. When you get behind the uvula and the tonsils, as you make the downward almost 90 degree bend, you get into the pharynx, or what most people refer to as the throat. The pharynx’s purpose is to channel what you eat into your stomach and the air you breathe into your windpipe and lungs.
Think of the pharynx as a funnel. It is wide at the top (close to two inches in most adults) and narrows down to the size of the esophagus, which is about one inch. Behind and below your tongue, the pharynx splits into two different pipes. One is the esophagus that carries food and liquids to the stomach, while the other is the trachea, which carries air to the lungs. At the juncture of these two pipes is a flap of cartilaginous tissue known as the epiglottis. Normally, when you are breathing, this flap sits upright allowing the windpipe to remain open so air can enter and escape from your lungs. When you swallow, however, the epiglottis folds back over the opening to the windpipe to prevent foreign objects from entering the larynx (voicebox) and the lungs. It is possible to view the epiglottis with a wide open mouth in many people (say “ahhh”).
The windpipe itself sits in front of the esophagus, and getting into it requires a bit of dexterity if you’re pushing something down the throat. This is why a laryngoscope is curved toward the front of the body (when it is inserted correctly). So when you’re taking a cock or dildo down your throat, you really don’t need to worry about it going down the “wrong pipe.” As you swallow when the cock is moving into your throat, the epiglottis will close over the windpipe to help ensure this.
The esophagus is the long (8 to 10 inches) tube that connects the pharynx to your stomach. It is the route food, water, medications, and any other item you swallow gets into your body to be digested and processed into energy. And, as it relates to this particular subject, it is the tube you’ll be inserting the dildo or cock into.
Just below the entrance to the trachea is a constriction known as the upper esophageal sphincter; it is the point at which the pharynx ends and the esophagus begins. This muscle serves to close off the esophagus when you’re breathing so that air doesn’t get into the stomach. It also helps with such anatomical vagaries as belching and vomiting. It is, however, under your control. When you intentionally relax your throat, you can also feel that muscle relax. As you slide a dildo or cock into your throat past the windpipe, you will encounter this muscle and it will often require a little bit of a push to get through it.
The esophagus itself is a collapsed, elasticized tube that expands to approximately one inch in diameter under normal circumstances. It can expand to accommodate larger items, to include cocks and dildos, however. You can see that happening with a larger cock in this animated image (notice how wide the dildo is). This is why I recommend you start off with the 1.2 inch dildo. While it is possible to take larger cocks into your throat, it takes considerable training and practice to get to that point. Anything larger than 1.75 inches to 2 inches or wider is likely to be impossible in most adults without force being applied (which can be dangerous). The tube consists of three layers, two of which are composed primarily of muscle tissue. These muscular layers perform the peristaltic functions of the esophagus, propelling food through the tube toward the stomach.
Given all of the above, you can probably see that length is not likely to be an issue when deepthroating most penises. Width will almost invariably be the limiting factor and is due in large part to the ligaments and cartilage that form the structures around the pharynx and the size of the esophagus. So the throat size varies from one person to the next, and it’s not something you can change. If you have a guy with a larger than average girth to his penis and it won’t go in after weeks of attempting it, no amount of practice is going to change that. Generally speaking, however, if the head of the cock will get past the back teeth, it should go into the throat without much of a problem, and this can be considered a good measure of the likelihood of you being successful at getting any specific cock into your throat.
How The Gag Reflex Works
The gag reflex is a contraction of the throat caused by an object touching one of the trigger points at the back of your oral cavity, namely the rear of the soft palate, the area around the tonsils, the uvula, and/or to a lesser extent the back of the tongue. This is your body’s way of trying to prevent anything from choking you. If something attempts to make its way into your throat without you intentionally swallowing it (or if it’s too big), the reflex kicks in and tries to expel the object out via the mouth. While this works well for things like chunks of food, you can also gag on other materials such as mucous from draining sinuses, the swelling of the throat tissue during colds or other infections, and so forth. In people with hypersensitive gag reflexes, even certain smells or certain types of foods (including semen) can trigger them. As you have probably surmised by now, this can present a problem if you try to put a penis or a dildo down your throat, and therein lies the primary obstacle to learning how to deepthroat.
It is possible to train your gag reflex, however, and once your body gets used to the idea that you actually want a phallic-shaped object in it, it becomes considerably easier to make it happen. Interestingly, the strength of the gag reflex varies from person to person. As many as 1/3 of all adults lack a gag reflex altogether, while a much smaller percentage are hypersensitive. The rest of us fall in between those two extremes. You can not do away with a gag reflex (even the expert deepthroaters still gag from time to time), but you can learn to train it and control it. That is the basis for what follows.
There is a quick way for some to overcome the gag reflex temporarily: Make a fist with your left hand, then squeeze your left thumb inside that fist. That’s it. While you’re doing that, put your right index finger into the back of your throat and try to make yourself gag. Supposedly, the nerve bundle that transmits the urge to gag is also responsible for transmitting the feelings you get from squeezing your thumb. As a result, your brain is concentrating on the thumb and the gag reflex takes a back seat while you’re doing that. This doesn’t work with everyone, but from what I’ve seen online in various forums, it does for about 2/3 of those who try it.
Now, clearly this isn’t a long-term solution, but it will get you started. In fact, if you have a weak gag reflex, it might get you started enough that it’s all you need. But if you have to keep your fist closed to keep it in check, you won’t be able to keep that going the whole time you’re going down on a live penis. Therefore, you’re still going to need to go through the long and potentially arduous process of training your body to ignore the gag reflex.
Learning to Deepthroat
The process for learning how to deepthroat is pretty straightforward, though it may take a considerable amount of time. I’ll outline the basic steps and then explain the process in detail afterward.
- Obtain a jelly dildo or other flexible, phallic-shaped object as I described above.
- Clean the dildo off and lube it up, leaving at least 3″ of it unlubed for your hands to be able to grasp it.
- Get into a position where your mouth, throat, and esophagus are all in a straight line.
- Put the dildo in your mouth and perform oral sex on it to get everything loosened up and to relax a bit. When you’re ready, slide the head of it into the back of your mouth along the top of your tongue until you sense your gag reflex kicking in.
- Rest it there for a minute or two until that subsides. Tell yourself it’s supposed to be there. Relax, remain calm, and don’t get anxious.
- Gradually slide the dildo a little further, a millimeter at a time, stopping and holding each time you feel like you’re going to gag. Repeat this process as long as you can continue to make progress. This may take days or even weeks.
- At some point you’re going to reach the back of your throat. You’ll need to take a quick breath, relax your throat, and push the dildo down into your throat. If your neck is not straight, you may need to force it a bit.
- Continue sliding it down into your throat and into your esophagus. You’ll encounter a constriction known as the upper esophageal sphincter and it may take a bit of force to push it through there as well. The smooth surface of the dildo will not damage your throat, however, and you should continue pushing the dildo in.
- Once you have it in as far as you can get it, slowly withdraw it to learn the sensations of what a cock coming out of your mouth is going to feel like. Don’t yank it out, but withdraw it gradually.
- Continue practicing until it becomes second nature to you.
- Once you’re comfortable with it going in and coming out, gradually speed up the penetration and follow it immediately by a withdrawal, much as you’d expect if you were going down on a penis.
- Find a real cock to practice with, reminding the cock owner that this needs to go at your speed and comfort level.
- Become a deepthroating master.
So that’s the basic outline. Let’s examine the process in much more detail to help clarify what you’ll feel and how it needs to work.
To prepare for your practice sessions, be sure and wash your dildo off. The jelly dildos catch hair and other debris pretty easily, and they’re kind of a pain to keep perfectly clean. Using warm soapy water to wash them off should do the trick, but you’ll want to perform a close visual inspection of it before you start trying to cram it down your throat. Getting a hair in your mouth while this is going on is pretty annoying.
Find some alone time and gather your toy and your lube. Relax. You should not try this right after eating, especially anything that has a high fat or spicy content, and especially if you feel “full” or “stuffed,” or if you suffer from GERD or have reflux issues.
To get started, lube up your dildo, leaving about three inches of it dry so you can hold onto it with your hands and not have it slip. Assume a position where you can straighten your neck such that your oral cavity is in a straight line with your throat and esophagus. This is critical to the initial success of your training. The two best ways to do this are lying on your back with your head hanging backward over the edge of the bed or sitting down with your head tilted back. I generally recommend the former over the latter because you tend to tire a lot more easily when you’re having to reach above you to get the dildo into your mouth. Put the lubed end in your mouth and begin giving oral sex to it like you would a real cock, slowly working it into the back of your mouth.
When you’re ready, you’ll want to slowly push it back along the surface of your tongue until you begin to feel as though you’re going to gag. When you reach that point, hold it there for a minute or two to allow your gag trigger to dissolve. When you sense that you’re ready, push the dildo a bit further back a millimeter at a time until you once again feel as though you’re going to gag. Stop again and allow the gag reflex to disappear. You’ll continue this process until you feel the head of it get behind your uvula and make contact with the back of your throat. During this part of the process you want to ensure you don’t raise your tongue up or pull it back but rather keep it down into the lower jaw as much as possible. If you bring the tongue up to meet the dildo at this point, you may accidentally hit a gag reflex trigger.
If you want to give it a shot, you might also try the thumb trick outlined above. It might get you past this until the cock is in your throat, at which point you can release your thumb (which you’ll likely do anyway). If it works for you, it should provide enough of a quick distraction to allow you to get past the gag trigger points. If you feel yourself starting to gag, tell yourself that this is something that you can control, something that you’re intentionally putting there and won’t choke you; stop and relax and wait for it to subside. It becomes a mind over matter exercise, basically.
This particular part of the process is what will take you the most time. You need to be patient; it may take you several days, perhaps weeks, of practice until you can get past that gag reflex. You’re not going to come away from your first practice session being able to throat an 8-inch cock (unless you’re really lucky), so don’t get overzealous and don’t get exasperated. Your efforts will almost invariably pay off if you stick with it. Remember, your goal is to eliminate the gagging altogether, not just getting used to it.
As you do this, when you withdraw the dildo from your mouth, you’ll notice that it becomes more and more coated with a thick, slippery mucous. This is mucous produced by the lining of the throat (and eventually the esophagus) and will act as a great lube from here on out. Perhaps you’ve seen porn videos where a slut is being throated with all of that thick throat goo all over the cock and/or her face in some cases. This is what you’re seeing. Some people refer to it as slut slobber, though it isn’t saliva. It is perfectly natural, however.
When you withdraw the dildo from the back of your throat the first few times, you’re likely to gag a bit as you do it. That’s because your tongue and oral cavity will naturally close up thinking whatever’s in your mouth is leaving so it’s okay to close back up. This may push things against your palate resulting in a gag. To overcome this, force yourself to hold your throat open and your tongue in place until the dildo is completely withdrawn.
When you get it to the back of the oral cavity, you’re going to feel some resistance. That comes from it having to make a turn of some degree. If you’re perfectly straight with your neck, it’ll be much less noticeable. But if you have your head at anything other than a straight line with your throat, the cock or dildo is going to have to make a bend, and you’ll notice that you’ll have to lightly force it down. If you’re using a real penis, the guy will feel this as if it were going through a kind of “ring.” If you try to swallow when this happens, the throat will flex and its muscles will try to “pull” the penis down into it.
Once you get it into the upper portion of your throat and can hold it there for a few seconds, you’ll want to start working it further down. Try to relax your throat by opening it up. Stick your tongue out as if you were going to make the “ahhh” sound a doctor asks you to do when he sticks that popsicle stick into your mouth to examine your throat. When you do that in his/her office, you’re opening up your throat so s/he can see down into it, and that’s exactly what you want to have happen in this case. Try using your tongue to help pull the dildo into your throat, almost as if you were trying to swallow. Extend your tongue a little bit and pull it back in, taking the dildo with it.
Once you get the head of the dildo into the throat itself and it starts to pass the epiglottis, you may feel the urge to cough the first few times. If you can hold it steady and work through it, cough gently while it is still in your throat. If it’s too strong to do that, withdraw the dildo, cough, and go at it again. You may need to go through this process a few times before you get to the point where the urge to cough is no longer present.
Continue to push the dildo further into your throat. You will likely encounter an impediment as it gets further down into your esophagus. This is the upper esophageal sphincter I referred to in the anatomy part above. You can push through this without causing any harm to your innards. Don’t ram it down (I doubt you’d try that anyway!), but force it gently further and further, stopping when you’ve decided you have gone as far as you can go for this session. Don’t get too rough with it. You don’t feel pain in your neck like you do on the surface of your body, so you won’t feel any damage you do until after it is done.
As you practice this over and over, you’ll begin to get comfortable with the dildo penetrating your throat, so much so that you’ll likely get to the point where you can do it without even thinking about it. That is, after all, the ultimate goal. Once you’ve gotten to that point, you can begin actually fucking your throat with the dildo to simulate going down on a cock over and over. Simulate what you’d actually do by going down on it, then holding it for a few seconds, then go into a rhythmic up and down, and then repeat at your discretion.
As you’re going through all of this, don’t forget to keep breathing! The natural tendency is to hold your breath while you do this and, of course, that will begin to suck after a minute or two. I have a specific section below for details on how to handle this part of it.
After you’ve learned to do this with your neck in a straight line, you’ll want to start learning to do it with your head in its normal position relative to your body (i.e., not hyperextended as you’ve been doing it). The difference is going to be that the dildo will encounter the bend into your throat at the back of your oral cavity. Again, slide the dildo along the surface of your tongue into the back of your mouth, relaxing your throat and dealing with any gag reflex as you did before. Once you get to that bend, however, you’re going to need to force the dildo into your throat. This will force it to bend downward and it will continue on from that point into your lower pharynx and esophagus as before. You can actually assist in this process by trying to inhale a bit. Fold your tongue around it, squeeze your nose closed and inhale using your lungs. The suction will help draw it down into your throat (pretty easily, in fact). You will want to ensure you haven’t taken a deep breath prior to this, of course.
Once you’ve mastered it in this position, you should be able to throat a cock in any position, with the exception perhaps of those that get really rock hard and rigid and will not bend. You’ll generally only have one or two positions where those will be comfortable for you.
The more you practice and try this, the easier it will become for you. I read one good analogy of someone putting contacts in for the first time. You flinch and blink a lot the first few times you do it, but eventually you get to the point where it becomes second nature to put them in and take them out. Deepthroating is pretty much the same way. Just bide your time and allow things to progress at their own speed! You may wish to keep a record of your progress. Measure the amount you’re able to take every time you practice until you reach the point where you’re comfortable taking something on the order of 8-10 inches.
After you’ve done this quite a few times, it will almost literally become second nature to you. But you will need to practice it to remain proficient. So if at some point you’re not with a steady guy or aren’t sleeping around regularly, you’ll need to break out your trusty jelly dildo and keep up your skills, so hang onto it (it’s great for learning other skills as well). I eventually bought one of those dildos with a suction cup on it so I could stick it to something solid and practice going all the way down on it from a variety of different angles. If you have the funds to invest in such a thing, you might wish to consider that as well. The life of a trained slut is hard, I know, but it is so totally worth it in the end.
Once you’ve mastered the technique with your dildo, you are then ready to begin practicing on a live cock attached to a human who presumably will enjoy the sensations of being deepthroated. It is important that you explain to your practice toy that he needs to chill out and just let you go at your own pace, and that you might not be able to do it the first time. Throating an actual cock is going to feel different than doing it with a jelly dildo, but the process involved will be identical. You just need to ensure you approach it from the correct position (see below), and ensure that you have a lot of saliva in your mouth or lube up your man’s cock before the attempt. Of course, you could also just not even inform him that you’ve been practicing these skills and surprise his ass one day (he’s liable to cum instantly when you do that, though, so be prepared).
Breathing Synchronization
One of the most important aspects of learning to deepthroat is breathing. When most people first begin practicing their technique, they will hold their breath. At some point they remember (or nature takes over) and they try to gasp a big breath of air with that dildo in the back of their mouths and this creates problems for them. It may even hurt and cause your throat to go into spasms (if the dildo had been far enough back). So learning to time your breathing is an essential part of your training.
You always want to try to breathe through your nose when possible. Though it may be best and/or necessary to breathe through your mouth at certain times, you want to learn to breath as much as possible through that nose. There are two main reasons for this. First, if you mistime breathing through your mouth, you will end up choking and activating your gag reflex while that dildo or the cock is in your throat. That will suck, trust me. Second, the air you breathe in through your mouth is going to be cold – at least, colder than your mouth is. When your guy has his cock in your mouth, you don’t want that warm, moist environment infringed upon by cold air. You want your mouth and throat to mimic the warm, moist environment of your cunt or rectum. Sometimes it’s necessary, of course, but when you’re the one in control, you should be able to work it out so you breathe through the nose when you need to.
Take a breath before you go down and hold it while you deepthroat him several times or hold it in your throat as long as you can. Exhale as you withdraw his cock from your mouth. Though you may be tempted to, don’t inhale a long, deep breath. Taking in a deep breath decreases the amount of penis that you can take into your throat, believe it or not. Breathe normally, and stop just before the dildo/cock actually goes into your throat and you begin the swallowing motions with your tongue. So the basic rule is: If it’s not too deep for you to breathe through your nose, do so. If it is, hold your breath while you’re doing the throating.
Position Suggestions
The position you use for deepthroating is going to depend largely on which direction his cock curves, especially for those new to the skill. If a guy’s cock curves downward, then the best place to be is kneeling before him. The curvature of his cock will allow it to slide down your throat along the surface of your tongue just as you practiced above. If he’s got a straight erection or one that bends slightly upward, the best position will be the same as the one I recommended above for your practice sessions – lying on your back on a bed or couch with your head hanging over the edge. If he’s got a significant upward curve, the best will be a 69 position with you on top of him. The idea is to have the curve of his cock correspond with the curve of your throat.
Once you’ve mastered that, the next step is to learn to deepthroat in other positions, to include being able to deepthroat any cock from a kneeling position. This is by far the most common position a slut will be in when performing oral sex on a man. As your throat becomes more trained, it will become second nature to you for all but the most rigid cocks to be forced into the curve of your throat from this position. For some sluts, the next goal will be to learn to allow themselves to be face or throat fucked. I will explain how to do that in the next module. You need to master all of the skills for this technique prior to moving onto the next, however. Getting comfortable going all the way down on a cock may take several weeks or even months, so just be patient. And practice, practice, practice!!!
Ejaculation During Deepthroating
As with any blowjob, make sure your boy lets you know when he’s getting ready to blow (unless you just don’t want him to). One of the real advantages of deepthroating is that you can push his cock deep into your throat while he cums, allowing the semen to shoot right down your throat. Again, this will probably take some getting used to, but it is a great way to avoid the taste/consistency issues that deter many from allowing their guys to cum in their mouths.
So long as the head of his cock is past the epiglottis or your epiglottis is closed (its natural state when you’re holding your breath or swallowing), he should be able to shoot the entire load right down your throat. You likely won’t even feel the cum, though you will feel those incredible spasms in his cock with your tongue. This is why learning to sense the signs of an impending ejaculation or having him let you know he’s about to blow are so important. Once you sense them, you know to take a good breath because you’ll be holding it while he’s cumming. If you don’t get any kind of warning, he may begin ejaculating as you’re moving him into your throat, which will cause you to choke big time, especially if the squirt hits a gag reflex trigger point.
Wag your tongue back and forth across his dick while he’s cumming. This, combined with the swallowing motion made by your throat will provide the continuous sensation needed to ensure his orgasm is complete. With experience, you’ll be able to feel it in his cock when he’s getting ready to cum, and you’ll be able to recognize this while you’re deepthroating him as well.
One thing you do need to be cautious about is accidentally closing off your throat while he’s cumming. Sometimes this happens when you’re not expecting his orgasm, or when you’re vigorously throating him, or sometimes even bad positioning will cause it to happen. If it does, you’ll experience what is known as blowback (aka “The White Dragon”). His semen will shoot up through your nasal passage and out your nose. It will sting and hurt, and you’ll likely not want to deepthroat a cock again for a few days. In a worst case scenario it may even lead to a sinus infection.
Problems and How to Deal with Them
Problem: You hit the back wall of the throat and are unable to go any further
Solution: This is occurring because you’re not relaxing your throat. You may not be doing it correctly. Try mimicking a yawn. When your mouth is in the middle of the yawn, your upper throat relaxes and is forced outward (you can feel this with your hand if you hold it under your jaw). You need to mimic this movement of your own volition.
Problem: When I get anxious or sense that I am about to gag, I jerk back and then have to start over again.
Solution: Don’t pull him out of your mouth completely when you get into one of these situations. Just pull back enough that your anxiety goes way or the urge to gag goes away and no further. Then restart from there. You should work to suppress the urge to jump back when you encounter issues during your training and during the giving of an actual deepthroat blowjob. You want your body and mind to learn that this is a natural thing and not something to be frightened of.
Problem: I’ve only gotten eight inches of him into my throat and he’s got two more inches to give.
Solution: There may be no solution to this, especially if he’s got a wider than average cock head or if his shaft expands as you get closer to its base. While the esophagus will expand to accommodate wider objects, it does have its limits (especially in the lower throat). One of the downsides to having a large (wide) penis is that deepthroating may be difficult, especially for smaller framed sluts. Try breathing out the deeper you take him. This will allow the windpipe to collapse a bit and may make for more room for expansion of the esophagus.
Problem: I have a hypersensitive gag reflex and despite days and weeks of trying, I can’t overcome it.
Solution: Unfortunately, there are some people for whom this likely will not work because they do have an overly sensitive gag reflex. If you’ve tried this and it isn’t working out for you, you may have to accept the prospect that this just isn’t something you’re going to be able to do. Without overcoming that reflex, any attempt to push a cock down into your throat is going to fail.
Pro Tips/Suggestions
As I mentioned above, the saliva in the back of your throat is somewhat thicker than what you have in the front of it. As your boy’s cock pulls out of your mouth, you’ll notice the thicker drool dribbling off of it and forming those little spit trails back to your mouth. Many guys really get off on seeing this, so don’t be concerned about the fact that it is happening. If it bothers you, however, wipe it off.
When you have him deep in your throat, this is definitely a time to break out the hummer. Hum while he’s in there. You should be able to do this (remember, the cock is in your esophagus, not your windpipe where your vocal cords are). The vibrations will radiate through your esophagus, however. If it’s something he enjoys, then you have one more skill added to your sexual repertoire.
As you become more comfortable with everything, you can eventually let him take the lead in deciding how deep to go. This requires a great deal of trust, however. A lot of guys have problems controlling how deep they go when they start cumming, and it is a natural tendency to want to shove it as deep as possible when that happens, so be prepared for that. You can also begin to add other things to the mix while you’re going down on him – like playing with his nuts, sticking a finger in his ass (if he’s up for that), etc. Once you’ve mastered the art of deepthroating, you can move on to the more aggressive throat fucking lesson.
Once you get the cock/dildo past your gag reflex, you can relax your tongue and let it rest against the penis (and in fact, can use it to stimulate the penis while it is thrusting into and out of your mouth). More on this in the Facefucking/Throatfucking module that follows this one.
Deepthroating a cock that doesn’t get rigidly hard is a LOT of fun, since it bends very easily to accommodate your throat. These are actually considerably easier to deepthroat than a stiffie, too.
Though it often looks cool in porn, you generally want to avoid deepthroating in an inverted standing position, where you’re hanging upside down with a cock in your throat. If he accidentally hits a gag reflex trigger point, you’re much, much more likely to hurl in this position. Doing that upside down is significantly less fun than doing it kneeling, trust me on that.
So that’s pretty much it. Please watch the following demonstration videos that show techniques I’ve discussed here, as well as a few examples of what good, refined deepthroating techniques look like in action.
Technique Demonstration Videos
- Video 1: Example of deepthroating from different angles.
- Video 2: This is Heather Brooke, widely recognized as one of the best deepthroaters who’s ever lived (and from whom I initially learned how to deepthroat). Notice how once he starts cumming, she takes him deep into her throat and lets him finish his ejaculations there. This is what you should strive to achieve, right here.
Slut Academy Introduction
Oral Sex on Males
Review of Male Sexual Anatomy
Health and Safety Issues With the Penis
The Basics of Semen
The Basics of Oral Sex on Males
Swallowing vs. Spitting
Learning to Deepthroat and Suppress Your Gag Reflex - current page
Aggressive Oral Sex Techniques (Face Fucking/Throat Fucking)
Anal Sex
Basic Anal/Rectal Anatomy and Physiology
Health and Safety Issues with Anal Play
Sexual Exploration of Your Own Asshole
Selecting and Using Butt Plugs and Other Anal Toys
Rimming and Oral-Anal Contact
Your First Anal Penetration
Using Enemas to Prepare for Anal Sex
The Mechanics of Penis-in-Asshole Sex
Ass-to-Mouth Oral Sex
Felching and Other Anal Fluid Play